Brilliant Indian School

Principal’s Message

Mrs. Asha Shiju

Principal, Brilliant Indian International School

The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence” – Rabindranath Tagore. 

As Principal of Brilliant Indian International School, it is my honor and privilege to lead a learning community  and provide realistic learning experiences and opportunities for holistic development, clubbed with academic excellence. We aim at nurturing every student into fine human being with great values. Our classroom teaching programme with child centered methods of teaching; equips our learners to develop into global citizens with life skills which lays strong foundation for successful future. The uniqueness of each child is treasured and nurtured in a friendly and congenial learning atmosphere.  

We offer a well-designed constructive curriculum and a wide spectrum of opportunities to achieve excellence in academic, creative, social, cultural and community aspects. We recognize the new generation trends and instill collaborative learning, effective communication, creativity, innovation, problem solving and relationship building. Our pedagogy includes a variety of methods to differentiate the students learning and cater their needs in a stimulating learning environment. 

Truly quoted “Teachers who love teaching, teach children to love learning”. We believe that children must be taught how to think and not what to think. Our team of highly motivated teachers  will ensure that every student enjoys the classroom learning through innovative teaching styles. We will ensure that students come to school each day with high level of enthusiasm and end the day with sense of satisfaction. It is our aim to give our students deep rooted values and stronger wings to conquer the world. 

Parents engagement is key to student’s behavior, achievement, success and happiness. Successful parent teacher’s communication can make a significant difference in child’s education. School home collaboration is a powerful tool that helps the child in better learning, building self-esteem and develop positive attitude in life. The pyramid communication & trust of “Teacher – Student – Parent” is an important aspect which is one of our top priority and instrumental in student’s success.  

The journey to success can be summed up as “Team work”. The clear vision of the management, dedicated team of teachers and support staff, motivated students and enthusiastic parents will surely achieve our mission. Our journey of excellence begins where we all as team look at each day as an opportunity to inspire, learn, grow and discover.  

I trust that you will enjoy being with us in this great journey and make Brilliant Indian International School, the best school it can be, and our students STARS OF TOMORROW.